Monday 17 May 2010

Busy as a bumblebee...

Well, I've had another busy crafting day. Today I've made 2 cards; one for a lovely lady who orders regularly and one for a friend of Mr Hudson's. Yes, Mr Hudson as in the Supernova singer! It's a thank you card from her to him, so a 'Designs by Sian' creation will now be seen by a celeb - exciting!

I've also been busy promoting my photography website over the last few weeks and have taken a couple of bookings for 2011 weddings today. Everything seems to be moving along perfectly and this makes me very happy!

Tomorrow I have gardening, scrapbooking and cardmaking on the agenda. Plus some housework too. All fun and games in the 'Designs by Sian' household!

Love Sian x

Wednesday 5 May 2010

A Little About Me....

'Designs by Sian' was created simply through my love of all things shiny and pretty! I love nothing more than rummaging through papers, ribbons, buttons and bows - and with a natural creative flare, this led me to begin making my own cards for friends and family in my little country home. My style of card creating is clean, simple designs all finished off with my own handwriting. Any card on my website can be replicated and personalised or I can create a bespoke design just for you - whatever you require, really.

I work from my spare room and kitchen table, with the radio on and my cat Cuthbert by my side. Everything I create is made with time, love, and care.

I love all sports, have a slight obsession with Shakespeare, and am a keen (but not very accomplished!) gardener. I could eat cheese all day long, enjoy scrapbooking, and am never without my camera. I know every Christmas No 1 record from 1984-present, which is very, very sad but also rather handy in quizes! I adore vintage items of clothing, jewellery and furniture and am drawn to anything with ditsy florals or polka dots - you'll find these in my designs a lot. The shabby chic style is exactly my taste and I would have florals throughout my entire bhouse if Greg, my other half, wasn't such a spoil sport... my spare room is all florals, polka dots and stripes but that's confined to just one room!

What you see is definitely what you get with me! If you want to know anything else about me, just ask...

With love, Sian

Tuesday 4 May 2010

It's Here!

Well, here it is - my first proper blog!

I'm really excited to start blogging, and to have somewhere to write about all my crafty activities.

I'm predominately a greetings card designer, but I also dabble in allsorts of other crafts - scrapbooking, jewellery making, handstitching Christmas decorations and gardening. My creations can be seen at

Love Sian